Dr. Andrew Weil is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Medical School and the founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. He is the author of multiple bestsellers and the founder of True Food Kitchen.

What you'll learn from this episode:

  • How inflammation is a natural, beneficial response that our bodies use to promote healing, but chronic inflammation leads to allergies, auto-immune disorders, and serious chronic illnesses. 

  • All about polyunsaturated oils, why they are pro-inflammatory, and the two monounsaturated oils both Dr. Weil and Max prefer. 

  • Factors influencing your inflammatory status that you have control over—the importance of diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management techniques, like breathwork, yoga, and mediation.

  • Which type of beans are easier on your digestion, and why Dr. Weil thinks lectins are a non-issue.

  • Inflammatory ingredients to avoid, and the wide variety of foods, herbs, drinks, and spices that Dr. Weil promotes for their anti-inflammatory flavonoids, phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

  • And much more!

Resources from this episode:

True Food Kitchen

Fast Food, Good Food: More Than 150 Quick and Easy Ways to Put Healthy, Delicious Food on the Table by Andrew Weil, MD | Amazon

Other Books by Andrew Weil, MD | Amazon

Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine

Dr. Weil | Website

Andrew Weil, MD | Facebook

Andrew Weil, MD | Twitter

Andrew Weil, MD  | YouTube

Andrew Weil, MD | Pinterest

Andrew Weil, MD | Instagram 

Inflammation, Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer: Moving toward Predictive Medicine | CMAJ

Fats Are Not The Problem | Dr. Andrew Weil

Counting Carbs? |  Dr. Weil

What is Chronic Inflammation (and How to Treat It) | Healthline

The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest by Dan Buettner | Amazon

4 Favorite Anti-Inflammatory Foods | Dr. Weil 

4-7-8 Breathing: How It Works, How to Do It, and More | Healthline

The Mind-Skin-Health Connection | WebMD

Stress, Anxiety, and IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome | WebMD

What We Eat Matters: 5 Food Choices That Can Lower Your Impact on the Environment |  FoodPrint

Full Fat Dairy Health Benefits | Healthline

Milk Could Be Good for Your Brain | ScienceDaily

Why Beans Are Good for Your Health | WebMD

Types of Beans That Cause Excess Gas | Livestrong

Going ‘Lectin-Free’ Is the Latest Pseudoscience Diet Fad | The Washington Post

New Discovery Shows How Caffeine Can Ward Off Cardiovascular Disease | TweakTown

Theobromine | Wikipedia

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The Genius Life: Heal Your Mind, Strengthen Your Body, and Become Extraordinary by Max Lugavere

Genius Foods: Become Smarter, Happier, and More Productive While Protecting Your Brain for Life by Max Lugavere and Paul Grewal M.D.

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